Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pull Up Your Stump: Dinner at "The Place"

Friday night I had the pleasure of being part of an amazing dinner at "The Place" in Guilford with my friends to celebrate Deanna and Kara's August birthdays.  For those of you, who have never been to "The Place", I would say this is one of those things that you need to plan immediately to tackle in the near future (and I will be more then happy to come along with you).  For those of you who have been, you know how wonderful it is!  Maybe this is a little aggressive, but I have no problem labeling it a Connecticut Shoreline shrine and somewhere you need to go at least once a summer.  Let me set up the scene for those who haven't experienced it yet: you pull up to an open lot on the side of the Boston Post Road where the only permanent structure is this small house that houses the bathrooms, supply closets and probably an office.  Then you have these very large fire pits and grills in the middle of the lot where all of the food is cooked that are surrounded by these large makeshift round and oval tables and the stumps (aka your seating for the evening...hence the "put your rump on the stump" slogan that occupies the back of the tee-shirts).  And that pretty much sums up 'The Place".  Now that you've gotten to the table, here is where the fun part begins.  'The Place" has a nice assortment of grilled and roasted meats on the menu and a few desserts but they encourage you to bring your own drinks, snacks, sides, desserts and any other accoutrement's that will enhance your dining experience.  I of course love this aspect of the restaurant and happily bring my tablecloth, candles and wine glasses and this time the cheese board even made an appearance. 

We went light on the sides this time so we could all enjoy the dinner that was ahead of us and started off with some simple snacks that I threw together quickly that were enjoyed with the awesome assortment of wine that Suzanne arrived with. 

 Next came the roast clam special and a round of roast corn for the table and then we all took the lobster plunge and ordered the roasted lobsters that come already cracked for you, so you just sit there happily puling apart the lobster.  I only started getting the lobster last year after some peer pressuring from Deanna and after one bite in my initial experience I was sold and can't even contemplate getting something else there now.  At one point when we were devouring our lobsters, I asked Deanna if she was going to take a photo and she quickly informed me to 'just focus on the lobster" so you'll have to go to see it for yourself. 

We finished off the meal with a Summer Crumble Pie that is a close riff on a pie that appeared in a recent issue of Bon Appetit.  The only thing I changed was instead of making it with solely blueberries I used the following fruit ratio that turned out great (2 cups blueberries, 2 cups peaches and 1 cup raspberries).   

right out of the oven...this is the money shot of the pie!!!

*All of the photos come courtesy of Deanna who is a far more talented photographer then I am so you are in for a special treat today.  Deanna, I have a wager for you: If you quit your job and become a professional photographer then I'll quit mine happily and open a bakery.  Here's to Plan B dreams!!!

1 comment:

  1. I still have never been to the Place, but sometime I'll get there! The pie looks fabulous.

    Here's to Plan B dreams!!
