Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Brunch Series - Baked French Toast Casserole

I've come to realize that once you do something enough of times, it will eventually get over the big metaphorical hump where at once seems like this massive, chaotic, stress inducing event to where it will become second nature and dare I say, almost easy.  Well after 4 Palm Sunday brunches, we have finally hit that point where I know what we're doing, what works and what doesn't, what you need to let go of when you are entertaining for the masses (because God knows I wouldn't have it any other way then to basically stuff my home with an over capacity crowd of wall to wall people) and what each of our roles is in the whole party scheme of things.  I am a self-admitted control freak and I will mentally kill myself for things to be that "oh so perfect" vision that I imagine things to be because that's how I am but I knew after last year something had to change because admittedly so I didn't have a good time at my own party.  I was a stressed out mess, wanted to be everything to everyone and literally wanted to pass out in exhaustion by the time the desserts hit the table.  So I gave myself my own personal pep talk and said "change your game plan.  What is important to you and what can you let go?  Remember this is supposed to be fun- you are not running a restaurant here and when it comes down to it, people come for the food and they love everything but they really come to be around each other and you can't lose sight of that".  I delegated my heart out and even farmed out the cooking to my trusted friends who I knew would do a great job.  I kept calm and carried on and had so much time freed up that I didn't have to get up super early and even had time to shower and get ready like a sane adult instead of the basket case I usually am.  By the time all the food went out I was able to kick back, have some brunch bevs and enjoy myself as people went to town on everything.  I got to pick on a few things and then enjoyed my own plate once everything was done and cleaned later in the day.  I made updates to my notes for next year and if my mother wants to invite 30 more people, Maryanne go to town because I have a fail proof system in place and can handle it (even though people might soon be spilling into the streets but isn't that what it's all about?).

The first year we did the brunch, our guests really wanted the different recipes that were made so an index card circulated throughout the house as a sign up sheet for what people wanted to learn how to make.  4 years later and this lovely blog exists so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for a little brunch series of posts so you can all replicate at home. Over the next couple of days I will share a number of recipes so keep checking back and before you know it you will have your own fool proof, back pocket brunch menu. 

Baked French Toast Casserole

In a small saucepan on low heat, blend:
-5 tablespoons unsalted butter
-1 cup light brown sugar
-2 tablespoons light corn syrup

Spread the mixture in the bottom of a 9 x 12 greased baking dish.  Cut 1 and 1/2 inch thick slices of challah bread and then cut them into smaller pieces (3 or 4 per slice depending on size) and fit them snuggly into the baking dish.  I find that its easier to have smaller pieces so when you go to serve the french toast, it is more manageable to get out.  As a guide, I usually use 2/3 of a loaf of challah per each casserole.

Beat together in a small bowl and then pour over bread:
-6 eggs
-1 and 1/2 cups milk
-1 teaspoon vanilla

Top with the zest of a grated orange and refrigerate overnight in order for the bread to really soak up the egg/milk mixture. 

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes uncovered until the top develops a nice crust on top.  Finish the casserole off with a good drizzle of maple syrup and a powdering of confectioners sugar. 

PS:  In the height of getting all the food out I forgot to break out a camera to start taking pictures of everything so there will be no food photos to go along with the recipes.  Next year there can be a designated camera person!


  1. I love the idea of a "Brunch series"!

    Everything was excellent as usual! The spring pea salad is always my fave!

  2. Everything was delicious as always and everyone seemed to have great time. Glad you picked Baked French Toast as the signature item here since I thought it came out better than ever. Aunt Denise and I will have to give it a try, and while everything was good I have to give a shout out to Amelia’s Struffoli. It always bring back memories of Easter at my Grandparents so many many years ago. Since I could not spell it (no surprise there) my Yahoo search also came across this great web site.
