Once the pan goes into the oven, you have a few minutes to leisurely have a glass of wine, clean up and because I knew the rest of my family wasn't coming home for a little bit I took the opportunity to make myself a quick snack with the leftover half tomato that has now opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me on how good this little snack was. There are so many people that are absolutely obsessed with tomato season come August. All of the tomato crops are fully producing, it's heirloom season where you can have your pick at the farmer's market of all of the beautifully colored and different tasting varieties and everything just tastes so much more fresher then the poor colored stand ins you find at the grocery store during a majority of the year. There is something in my family and I have no idea what happened on Old New Haven Avenue when my mother and my uncles were growing up but all of them have some level of aversion to tomatoes with my Uncle Frank who won't even touch tomato sauce to my mother the youngest who is not an overly big fan of the raw tomato with Uncle John falling somewhere in the middle. All of us laugh about it but thankfully the next generation of Rak/DeTullio kids don't have any issues with the tomato plant so hopefully it was an isolated issue that can stay right there.
This little snack doesn't even need a recipe but here is the rundown: take a slice of toasted white bread (don't even think about using whole wheat or any other healthy alternative as an option for this...a little bit of white flour isn't going to kill you!) and give it a healthy spread of mayonnaise. (People either love mayo or they hate it. I'm firmly in the camp that loves it and only Hellman's regular will do.) Arrange your cut tomato slices on top and sprinkle with kosher salt and fresh ground pepper. That's it. Your finished. Take a moment, enjoy the open-faced sandwich and you will be just as much as in love as I am and it was the perfect snack to hold me over. Considering I had another tomato sandwich for dinner on Tuesday, I have a feeling this is going to become quite the habit for the rest of tomato season. Good thing we only have a few more weeks to go!!
so simple yet so delicious |
To go back to the paella really quick - it makes great leftovers the day after especially with a fried egg on top. I served my paella that night with some simple grilled yellow squash and zucchini and deeply satisfied we all were.
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